Test results

If you would like to know the results of your investigations and have not yet been contacted by the surgery, you can contact the surgery on 01922 624 605 two weeks after you have had the test.

Online test results

Once investigation results are received and filed by the doctor, they will become automatically available to view through the NHS app. If you have trouble viewing the results or have any questions, please contact the surgery on 01922 624 605.

Blood test appointment

Once you have been asked to have a blood test by the GP or by the surgery, you can book a blood test appointment.

Please call the surgery on 01922 614 605 or visit in person to book your appointment for a blood test at the GP surgery. You will be given an appointment time and date to visit the surgery.

Alternatively, you can walk-in to Manor Hospital, Walsall for your blood test. Please call the GP surgery or the hospital for directions.

Tubes with different coloured tops used for collecting blood samples

Chest x-ray appointment

Once you have been asked to have a chest x-ray by the GP or by the surgery, you can either choose to have:

  1. A walk-in chest x-ray (where you do not need an appointment)

  2. Or have an x-ray appointment (where you will be told the date and time). Let the GP know which you would prefer.

Your chest x-ray will happen at Manor Hospital in the outpatient X-ray department situated on hospital route 005.

The walk-in chest X-ray service is available between the hours of 10am – 4pm weekday and between 10am – 12noon Saturday and Sunday on route 234.

Chest xray

Scans and other x-ray appointments

Once you have been asked to have a scan by the GP or by the surgery, you will normally receive an appointment by the scanning team either through the post or via telephone.

They will let you know the time, date and place of your scan, including any special instructions for the scan.

If you have not heard back from the team, please contact the surgery on 01922 624 605.


Once you have been referred to another department or to a hospital speciality, you would normally get a letter stating your appointment date, time and place.

The appointment is organised by a team called “Choose & Book” and in the letter they send, they will tell you how to rearrange the appointment if needed (including online log in details).

If you have not received your “Choose & Book” letter, please contact the surgery on 01922 624 605.

Private letter

Private referrals are not part of our routine NHS work. If you wish to see a specialist privately and require a private letter, please contact the surgery on 01922 624 605.

White notepad with silver fountain pen